The Wetlands Series

Chris is a trustee of the Friends of Firs Farm. This North London environmental charity helps the local communities in Edmonton and Winchmore Hill make the most of the fantastic wetlands and playing fields located on thier doorstep. A major part of the charity's work over the past few years has focussed on the creation of a hub building to create better facilities for users of the wetlands. 

The Wetlands Series has been inspired by the important environment and habitats at Firs Farm. Based on images captured by everday users of the space, they reflect its changing character throughout the year and aspects of what motivates people to visit. Unframed prints of the images are on sale at £15.00 (+p&p) to provide further funds to improve the facilities at the hub even more.  To purchase e-mail

"Wetlands: Spring"

"Wetlands: Summer"

"Wetlands: Autumn"

"Wetlands: Winter"

"Wetlands: Sunset"

"Wetlands: Volunteers"